Name change - now its official!

Ladies, after the I do?s I could not wait to change my name - legally! I felt like I was waiting forever, but our marriage license finally arrived a month later. I could not wait to tell the world and too finally see my new name in print.

Besides monogramming your towels you should also inform certain agencies?but who should be first? Good ones to start with are the DMV and the Social Security Administration, because once your new driver?s license and social security card are in hand, changing the rest of your records will be easy. Then move on to:

Credit Card Agenices
Utility companies
Your employer
The post office
stocks/bonds/mutual funds
retirement plans
real estate
professional associations
The Registrar of Voters
car registration
house, car and life insurance
your will
other people?s wills
Your Doctor(s)
your lawyer
powers of attorney
frequent flyer programs
welfare office
veteran?s administration
... and of course everyone you might run into.

Also, do not immediately throw away your old identification..not only to reminisce, but it may be necessary to prove who you once were. Some IDs, like your passport, may carry an A.K.A. (?also known as?), so you?re not completely free of your original name.

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