What is the purpose of top100weddingsites.com?
Top100weddingsites.com was registered on Jan 3, 2000 and is the first and original of the Top Wedding Ranking Sites. We showcase some of the Internet's hottest wedding sites ranked by popularity. Visitors can find the best wedding sites to handle all their wedding requirements in one spot.
Who can join, and what does it cost?
Only Wedding Related Sites may be added (all others will be removed). No racist, hate, pornographic, etc. web site will be accepted. Membership is free. We reserve the right to reject any site we deem inappropriate, or in direct conflict with top100weddingsites.com.
How exactly does it work?
Click on "Add Site" fill out the form and your site will be automatically added(after you add the voting code to your page, and at least one hit is sent to the voting script) when the next system re-rank occurs. Ranking is updated(every 15 minutes). All pages are reset(hit in & out are zeroed) every 7 days. You must send at least 1 vote in every 24 hours, and have more votes than the site in the 100th spot, to be included. The more votes you send, the higher up in the rankings your site will be listed, and the more exposure(and traffic) you'll receive. The script will auto-e-mail you your USERNAME and PASSWORD which you can use to change your account information, or view your stat totals at anytime. Remember, it pays to place your voting link in a prominent spot!
How does the voting work?
When a visitor to your site clicks on the voting link you've placed there, and comes through to the Top100, your site gets one credited "ranking hit in". The more hits "In", the higher a site appears in the ranking. Each one of those "Out" numbers represents a unique visitor going to a person's site from the top100.
How do I read the stats?
Rank - your current position on the top100
Title & Description - self explanatory
In - hits from your site
Out - hits sent to your site from top100
What, if after I join, I stop sending hits to the top100?
The voting script is aware of the activity from any given site. If the script alerts us to only 1 hit in over a 24 hour period, we will check for an active link on that particular site. If none is found, that site will be reset(which effectively removes it from the active pages until the script receives another hit in). If the site in question continues in this mode, it will be remove from the top100 database. All sites inactive for 10 days are removed. You can always join again.
What, if I forget my password?
Contact us via our Contact Form with your account e-mail address and mention you've forgotten your password. We'll be happy to help.
Why doesn't my own site stats jive with the "Outs" on the Top100?
The Top100 script keeps very accurate stats, while most free stats programs do not. Also when your stat program starts its 24 hour cycle may be different than when the Top100 resets its stats. A free stat program that keeps reasonably accurate stat can be had at www.hitbox.com.
Why should I join?
To put it simply, more targeted traffic for your site. Although there are many popular voting sites for clip art, free stuff, etc., top100weddingsites.com is one of the first for wedding sites. This fact alone, plus our full time promotional team, insures top100weddingsites.com will always be a very popular site.
Will there be advertising opportunities?
Advertising opportunities and pricing can be found here.
What is the Top100weddingsites.com Wedding Hall of Fame all about?
This is a recognition program that promotes your site as an elite wedding business with a star beside your listing. Certain criteria has to be met. For further details - Click Here.
More Questions?
If you have any futher questions with this web site, you can contact us via our Contact Form.